Write Here, Write Now! -- Short Memoir
Event Details
SHort Memoir with Rachel Garber Thursday, August 12th, 10 AM – Noon
Event Details
SHort Memoir with Rachel GarberThursday, August 12th, 10 AM – Noon (EST)Have you lived stories you’d like to tell? This series of four monthly workshops will provide a place to explore different approaches in writing short memoir. With gentle guidance, we will try our hand at writing and learn about giving and receiving appreciative feedback. No experience writing is necessary – just experience living!
Our first workshop is an introduction to writing short memoir stories or essays, and to the series of four workshops as a whole. We will explore ideas about short writing from memory: the scraps and pieces of our lives, the people we have known. We will enjoy examples of short memoir (also known as flash memoir) and have a look at how to read others’ writing. And we will give writing a try, so bring your favourite writing materials—pen and notebook, laptop, or whatever is most comfortable for you.
Interested? If you would like to learn more about short memoir, you can find some excellent examples here: https://brevitymag.com/. This is suggested, not required! |
Registrations help us adapt to the evolving needs of our learning community. | |
Zoom may require you to enter your name and email address before joining the meeting. | |
(Thursday) 10:00 am - 12:00 pm(GMT-11:00)
Bishop's University